Monday, May 26, 2008

Crazy Weekend

So over the last few days I have developed bruises, scrapes, sore muscles, and one very stiff neck. All in all this weekend was exhausting, but exhilarating all at the same time. Every time we do something new it hits me all over again that I am in Costa Rica on a once-in-a-lifetime trip having the time of my life. Everyday I think it can't get any better but somehow it does. I know we have to get up really early and we go go go all day long, but it is so worth it to see the things we are seeing and to do these awesome activities. So here is a quick recap of the weekend:
On Friday we rode the bus to Arenal and went to the Baldi hot springs. It was gorgeous, especially with the volcano right there in the background. I went down this insane slide that definitely would not have passed US safety standards about 4 or 5 times. Then I sat in the hottest spring which was 152 degrees and absolutely painful but worth it just to say I did it.

The amazing view of the volcano from our hotel

This is the crazy slide at Baldi

On Saturday I got on a horse for the first time since junior high and quite honestly I was nervous because my horse was huge. I was towering over most everyone else. Though my horse was a little stubborn we rode through the gorgeous mountains then got a little adventurous and galloped up a steep hill. Next we relaxed a little in the cold waters of the La Fortuna waterfall which was also beautiful. It was well worth the 8000 stairs we had to climb up and down to get to it. After the fall we went on a hike near the volcano. We even got to see some of the old rocks of lava that had been chucked out of the volcano. The views were amazing.

La Fortuna

On Sunday we took a boat ride across the Arenal Lake which is covering an old village, on our way to Monteverde. The roads are ridiculous and I am surprised we made it alive. Even more amazing was that the bus made it. Our driver has skills. So when we got to Monteverde we took a canopy tour of the Cloud Forest which was unbelievable. It was pouring down rain which made it hard to keep my eyes open but the whole experience was indescribable. We even did the Tarzan Swing which also made me nervous but was way cool. That night we ate at the best restaurant we have been to so far, a pizzeria and it was delicious. Later we took a night walk in the park and saw bugs. We also saw bugs inside our hotel which wasn't too fun. At the hotel we played some sweet games of Mafia. I love that everyone gets along so well and plays games together :o)

Bob doing the Tarzan Swing

On Monday we got up way earlier than any college student should ever have to wake up to take another walk in the park but in the day time. It was worth it because we got to see a male and female Quetzal which is a rare bird that Monteverde is known for. It's actually really pretty and apparently seeing both genders in one day is a pretty big deal. Just walking through and hearing the birds sing was nice too because the birds in Ohio don't sound as nice as the birds here. So then we dropped our professors off at the airport so they can go to Cuba (haha, yes they left the country and left us all alone) and came back to San Jose. Morell and I arrived to the nice surprise that our laundry had been done which was fabulous because everything from this weekend is wet and filthy so we are pretty much out of clean clothes. We also did our first bit of souvenir shopping today which was fun because we went to this little market where we could barter with the people and get great deals. I even bought a surprise souvenir to take home, though I don't know how I will get it home of what I will do with it once it gets there. So now I am going to get ready to travel some more.

We leave for Manuel Antonio in the morning to catch some rays at the beach and hopefully learn to surf and see some monkeys.
This weekend was just amazing and I can't wait to see what the next trips bring.

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