Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Getting to Know San Jose

Well we have only been here for a few days but it kind of seems like forever. We start so early and seem to fit so much in each day so it feels like we have been here for a while now. We had our first class today and had sort a brief intro into what we will be studying. I think the sustainibility topic is very interesting and I want to learn about it but the classes are quite long so we will see how that goes...haha...sorry Saul and Glenn.

Our host family is quite nice. We live with a really cute little old lady and another student from Montana who has been here for a couple of months already. Our host mom's son and wife live in the house behind us and they share a large and very pretty yard. The son speaks english pretty well but he isn't in our house much and since the mom speaks no english there is a bit of a language barrier. I am starting to get used to the food here. I am an extremely picky eater and the food here is so filling that I feel bad when I don't eat much of the dinner that our host mom makes, but I think she has learned that I only eat un poco.

I am most excited about the weekend excusions and can't wait to get out in nature. I think staying in the hotel will be fun too since we will all be together. Our group is a lot of fun. I think we have the perfect blend of craziness and calm. ;o)

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