Monday, May 19, 2008

We're Here!

We made it to San Jose! We haven't really done too much except touring the city and trying to get familiar with the area. On our first day we walked all over San Jose and saw beautiful buildings and parks and awesome trees. I think things are quite different here than they are in the States. My initial impression was fear because all the buildings have barbed wire and barred windows and gates. Even the houses have big thick bars protecting the homes. But we were told that this is what Ticos do, it's how they build their houses and it does add protecion too so I guesss it's less scary. I suppose others may come to our homes and think we do things odd too.
Veritas seems like a pretty cool school. It's an art school so there are cool works on display and the building is very bright and colorful. The students who built the furniture that is currently on display are quite talented.

One thing that we are all going crazy about is the lack of cell phones. Many of us use our cell phones not only to talk to our friends and family but also as a general use of contact and even as a clock so without all this we are sort of lost. I never know what time it is because I don't have a watch with a working battery. And none of us really knew what to do when trying to meet up with others simply because we have no way to contact each other except through the host families and well we haven't quite mastered that yet. Though I did realize pretty quickly that it's kind of nice to just go about your day without knowing what time it is. In the states and especially at school it is always go, go, go. We have so many obligations and there is never enough time. We are pretty much ruled by the clock. So being without a watch or a good contact is kind of a cool way to really experience the Tico lifestyle and enjoy things rather than worry about all the things we have to do and what time we need to do them.

O yea and on our first day Morell and I got a little lost. We were driven from our house to Veritas so we didn't have a good sense of where the house actually was so when we had to go back we didn't actually know where we were going. We knew what turns we needed to make just not where the turns were and an extra little drive threw us off a bit, so we wondered around in the rain for about a half an hour with the help of some of our classmates (thanks boys!). But we made it eventually and now we know where we are going!

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