Friday, June 20, 2008
It's All Over
Friday, June 13, 2008
Bungee Jumping!
Thursday, June 12, 2008
Our Last Adventure
Wednesday, June 11, 2008
Turismo Parte Cuatro
Bananas Capitulo Cuatro
Cafe #4
Tuesday, June 10, 2008
Bananas Capitulo Tres
Last Day of Class
Turismo Parte Tres
Monday, June 9, 2008
Cafe #3!
Finally, Some Beach Time!!
Poison Dart Frog
Clearly Looks Like a Snake
The Chiquita Production Line
The View From Our Room
Stayed Up All Night
Sunday was spent in beach chairs on the beach and in beds napping because of the lack of sleep the night before. It was so awesome to just hang out and do a lot of nothing because all of our other weekend trips have been so active. I have loved everything we have been doing and I don't mine being busy at all, but it was great to just have time for the beach. This time instead of staying up all night we decided to set an alarm for 4am and just get up in time for the sunrise. But yet again, it was cloudy and we had no luck. So Monday morning we hopped on the bus and traveled back to Puerto Viejo to spend some time shopping and getting lunch. The bus ride back to San Jose actually seemed quite short. It was probably because we were watching movies the whole time. Throughout the course of the weekend we managed to watch about 6 or 7 movies on the bus which was a great way to pass the time.
Orchids Are My Favorite
Thursday, June 5, 2008
Turismo Parte Dos
Osa Peninsula
Awesome Coconut
Playing KEMPS
The Boys Playing Some Intense Hearts
Saturday, May 31, 2008
Another Amazing Adventure
Friday, May 30, 2008
Change of Plans
Cafe #2!
Bananas Capitulo Dos
Thursday, May 29, 2008
Manuel Antonio
Cool Trees
Monday, May 26, 2008
Crazy Weekend
On Friday we rode the bus to Arenal and went to the Baldi hot springs. It was gorgeous, especially with the volcano right there in the background. I went down this insane slide that definitely would not have passed US safety standards about 4 or 5 times. Then I sat in the hottest spring which was 152 degrees and absolutely painful but worth it just to say I did it.
On Saturday I got on a horse for the first time since junior high and quite honestly I was nervous because my horse was huge. I was towering over most everyone else. Though my horse was a little stubborn we rode through the gorgeous mountains then got a little adventurous and galloped up a steep hill. Next we relaxed a little in the cold waters of the La Fortuna waterfall which was also beautiful. It was well worth the 8000 stairs we had to climb up and down to get to it. After the fall we went on a hike near the volcano. We even got to see some of the old rocks of lava that had been chucked out of the volcano. The views were amazing.
On Sunday we took a boat ride across the Arenal Lake which is covering an old village, on our way to Monteverde. The roads are ridiculous and I am surprised we made it alive. Even more amazing was that the bus made it. Our driver has skills. So when we got to Monteverde we took a canopy tour of the Cloud Forest which was unbelievable. It was pouring down rain which made it hard to keep my eyes open but the whole experience was indescribable. We even did the Tarzan Swing which also made me nervous but was way cool. That night we ate at the best restaurant we have been to so far, a pizzeria and it was delicious. Later we took a night walk in the park and saw bugs. We also saw bugs inside our hotel which wasn't too fun. At the hotel we played some sweet games of Mafia. I love that everyone gets along so well and plays games together :o)
Bob doing the Tarzan Swing
On Monday we got up way earlier than any college student should ever have to wake up to take another walk in the park but in the day time. It was worth it because we got to see a male and female Quetzal which is a rare bird that Monteverde is known for. It's actually really pretty and apparently seeing both genders in one day is a pretty big deal. Just walking through and hearing the birds sing was nice too because the birds in Ohio don't sound as nice as the birds here. So then we dropped our professors off at the airport so they can go to Cuba (haha, yes they left the country and left us all alone) and came back to San Jose. Morell and I arrived to the nice surprise that our laundry had been done which was fabulous because everything from this weekend is wet and filthy so we are pretty much out of clean clothes. We also did our first bit of souvenir shopping today which was fun because we went to this little market where we could barter with the people and get great deals. I even bought a surprise souvenir to take home, though I don't know how I will get it home of what I will do with it once it gets there. So now I am going to get ready to travel some more.
We leave for Manuel Antonio in the morning to catch some rays at the beach and hopefully learn to surf and see some monkeys.
This weekend was just amazing and I can't wait to see what the next trips bring.
Friday, May 23, 2008
Actually Learning
Thursday, May 22, 2008
Daisy tried to be an organic farm for three years but it wasn't working out financially so she changed back to the traditional ways. She said that the location of her farm provides some limitations because it is so high up. The altitude makes it very humid and the clouds can block the sunlight the plants need to thrive. These limits were even greater for organic plants so this contributed to her changing back to a traditional plantation. Obviously it has worked out because she has done quite well and now has an excellent product. Because she has won this award she is able to sell 100 pound bags of her sun-dried coffee for $1500 which is apparently very good. Although Daisy did not know we were coming very far in advance she provided us with some very useful information.
Hiding Among the Coffee Plants
A Ripe Coffee Bean
Today we visited Cafe Britt. Immediatelty upon entering the location we could tell that this was going to be very different than the Rodriquez farm. First of all it was in a city not off in the mountains. We took an organized and very entertaining tour instead of hiking about the hills of a farm. Here I think we learned more about coffee in general rather than the business aspect of the coffee industry in Costa Rica. Cafe Britt is a much more commercial company that has an active website and ships its products anywhere in the world. Instead of seeing simple tables where the beans are sun-dried like the day before, we were shown a very large rotating chamber that used heat to dry the beans. The amount of time spent in the roasting chamber determined weather the coffee would be a light roast, dark roast, or espresso. We were told about the common coffee sins that I know most Americans make such as reheating an old coffee, and we saw a video about the history of coffee with some dramatizations provided by our talented tour guides. Then in a true test to Cafe Britt's commercialness we had lunch in the dining area and bought products in the large gift shop.
Tour Guides at Cafe Britt
Definetly More Commercial than Cafe Tal
Wednesday, May 21, 2008
Bananas Capitulo Uno
Turismo Parte Uno
Tuesday, May 20, 2008
Getting to Know San Jose
Our host family is quite nice. We live with a really cute little old lady and another student from Montana who has been here for a couple of months already. Our host mom's son and wife live in the house behind us and they share a large and very pretty yard. The son speaks english pretty well but he isn't in our house much and since the mom speaks no english there is a bit of a language barrier. I am starting to get used to the food here. I am an extremely picky eater and the food here is so filling that I feel bad when I don't eat much of the dinner that our host mom makes, but I think she has learned that I only eat un poco.
I am most excited about the weekend excusions and can't wait to get out in nature. I think staying in the hotel will be fun too since we will all be together. Our group is a lot of fun. I think we have the perfect blend of craziness and calm. ;o)
Monday, May 19, 2008
We're Here!
Veritas seems like a pretty cool school. It's an art school so there are cool works on display and the building is very bright and colorful. The students who built the furniture that is currently on display are quite talented.
One thing that we are all going crazy about is the lack of cell phones. Many of us use our cell phones not only to talk to our friends and family but also as a general use of contact and even as a clock so without all this we are sort of lost. I never know what time it is because I don't have a watch with a working battery. And none of us really knew what to do when trying to meet up with others simply because we have no way to contact each other except through the host families and well we haven't quite mastered that yet. Though I did realize pretty quickly that it's kind of nice to just go about your day without knowing what time it is. In the states and especially at school it is always go, go, go. We have so many obligations and there is never enough time. We are pretty much ruled by the clock. So being without a watch or a good contact is kind of a cool way to really experience the Tico lifestyle and enjoy things rather than worry about all the things we have to do and what time we need to do them.
O yea and on our first day Morell and I got a little lost. We were driven from our house to Veritas so we didn't have a good sense of where the house actually was so when we had to go back we didn't actually know where we were going. We knew what turns we needed to make just not where the turns were and an extra little drive threw us off a bit, so we wondered around in the rain for about a half an hour with the help of some of our classmates (thanks boys!). But we made it eventually and now we know where we are going!